How One PGA Professional Changed Utah’s Veteran Community Through PGA HOPE

Passion comes first for PGA Professional Rob Krieger.  

As the PGA Director of Instruction for Southgate Golf Course in St. George, Utah, Rob aims to create a unique experience through golf for all of his students.  Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, Rob took to golf from the ripe age of six and, since then, hasn’t thought twice about what he would do for the rest of his career.  While playing for his golf team in high school, Rob even volunteered for his golf coach to help teach beginner adults the game.  

“I just fell in love with figuring out why I struggled with my own game,” says Krieger.  “This led to me wanting to learn more about why some players were challenged with their own games and why others weren’t – it was like a big puzzle to me that I couldn’t put down.  To this day, I am still searching for the answers to help people ‘swing their swing’ as the great Arnold Palmer once put it.” 

Along Krieger’s journey, he’s discovered a new path through his craft of teaching and is now dedicated to helping Veterans discover their own swing — and with it, a newfound joy — at Southgate Golf Course through the power of PGA HOPE.

Read more here from Hayden Lewis, PGA, on

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