PGA Master Professional Don Rea Jr. was elected the 44th President of the PGA of America Nov. 7th at the Association’s 108th Annual Meeting at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Rea will serve a two-year term, representing the more than 31,000 PGA of America Golf Professionals.
Utah PGA Executive Director Devin Dehlin said, “Don Rea will be an outstanding president. His passion and energy will take us to new heights.”
Succeeding Rea as Vice President is Nathan Charnes, PGA, the General Manager and Director of Golf of WingHaven Country Club in O’Fallon, Missouri, and a member of the Gateway PGA Section. Eric Eshleman, PGA Director of Golf at the Country Club of Birmingham in Alabama, and a Member of the Alabama-NW Florida PGA Section was elected the new PGA of America Secretary.

Utah’s Cedar Ridge Golf Course PGA Professional Jared Barnes was a candidate for the new Secretary position and waged a very impressive campaign.
“We couldn’t be more proud of Jared and the way he represented himself and the Utah PGA during his campaign,” Dehlin said. “It was fun to see a PGA Professional from Utah make such a huge impact on the national level.”

The Utah Section has seen first hand the energy and devotion for PGA Professionals exhibited by both Don Rea and Nathan Charnes as both have attended Utah PGA Annual Meetings in St. George. We look forward to working along side Eric Shleman as he begins his term. Eshleman, a member of the PGA of America for nearly 30-years, received the 2019 national PGA of America Golf Professional of the Year Award, the highest annual honor given to a PGA of America Member.